Parish Magazine

The Seer Green and Jordans Parish Magazine

Our Parish Magazine is published monthly, and is put together by a team of dedicated volunteers who work hard to make it an interesting and informative read.

The magazine is in full colour and there are 10 editions a year. An annual subscription is £15. Please subscribe online This includes free local delivery (addresses in Seer Green and Jordans).

Individual copies are £2 each and can be purchased in Jordans Village Store or Best One Seer Green.

The magazine is a mixture of church and community news and we welcome information about events in the two villages and we love to have lots of pictures. The final copy date for each month's magazine is the 7th of the month before.

Sue Puttergill, Jill Moody and Carol Wright: Joint Editors


June 2024

Previous Magazines

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

November 2023

September 2023

July/August 2023

June 2023





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