Giving to Charity

At Holy Trinity we place great empasis on our partnerships with a number of charities which are close to our hearts including Kisiizi Hospital, Water Aid and Christian Aid. The PCC Charities sub-committee comes together at the start of each year to agree which charities will become each month's "Charity focus". We encourage members from the charitable organisation or from our congregation to talk about the work that each charity does at the Charity Focus service, and in this way we highlight the hard work that all these organisations do to improve the lives of others. 

The amount given to each month's chosen charity is the entire takings from all the services held at Holy Trinity on the second Sunday of each month. Additional contributions can be made to the selected charity at other times of the month by using the blue collecting envelopes that are available in church.

Our Chosen Charities for 2023 were:

January: Kisiizi Hospital and School.  Established 55 years ago by Christian missionaries and now run by the Church of Uganda. It provides healthcare, primary school education and a School of Nursing. For more information and how to donate or become a “Kisiizi partner” – go to their website where  you can find the latest newsletter, read all about their projects and catch up on the Friends Day presentations.

February: The David Nott Foundation, who are dedicated to delivering the specialised training that surgeons need to save lives in countries affected by conflict and catastrophe. To read more about their vital work, go to the website David Nott Foundation  where you can find out how to support them. You can donate to the Foundation using the blue envelopes at our services. If you can gift aid your donation please enter your details on the  envelope.

March: Cure Parkinsons, which was set up in 2005 by four people living with Parkinson's. Since then it has made significant progress in the quest for a cure, funding millions of pounds of research - giving hope to many living with the disease. To discover more about their work go to their website: You can also donate using the blue envelope, available in church and at our services. If you can gift aid your donation, please enter your details on the envelope.

April: Children at Risk Action Netword, CRANE:  This charity works to alleviate suffering among the poorest and most vulnerable children in Kampala, Uganda. Their work includes the provision of safe accommodation for children rescued from the streets and supports those being questioned by the judicial system. To find out more, read the article by Paul and Alison Bosson that appeared in a recent parish magazine. To donate, use the blue envelopes in church, marking it CRANE and completing the details if your donation can be gift aided. To add gift aid, enter your details on the envelope.

May: Christian Aid:  This charity exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. To read about their work, see the article in the Parish Magazine or go to where you can also donate to their work. You can also donate by using the blue envelope, available in church and at our services, If you can gift aid your donation, please enter your details on the envelope.

June: St Andrews Church - Family Support Project: The group, which supports vulnerable families with pre-school children, is based in an area of .lp feed their families.   To read about their recent work see the article in the Parish Magazine. To support financially please use the blue envelopes in church or Bank transfer to: Family Support Group, Natwest A/c 15680541 Sort code: 60-11-01.

July: Church Action on Poverty:  A national ecumenical Christian charity which works in partnership with people in poverty themselves to tackle its root causes in the UK.  Founded 40 years ago  with strong support from Oxford Diocesan Synod, it has influenced policies in several area - but much remains  to be done. For further information see the article on page 11 of the July/August Parish magazine or their website at Donations can be made online, by cash or cheque (payanle to 'Seer Green PCC'), to our Treasurer at 58 Chalfont Road, or by using a blue envelope in church. If tou can Gift Aid it, please give your name and  address..

August: Bible Society:  To find out more or to make a donation Bible Society - We offer the Bible to the World To donate in church, use the blue envelopes. To Gift Aid your donation, please enter your details on the envelope. Or you can deliver your donation to our treasurer at 58 Chalfont Road, writing your details on the envelope.

September: A Rocha: This is a Christian charity working to protect and restore the natural world and is committed to equipping Christians and Churches in the UK to care for the environment. To find out more or to make a donation go to: A Rocha UK – Caring for Creation. To donate in church, use the blue envelopes. To GiftAid your donation, enter your details on the envelope. You can leave it in the green box or deliver your donation to our Treasurer at 58 Chalfont Road.

October: One Can: To find out more or to make a donation, please  visit One Can Trust - Foodbank serving families in need. To donate in church, use the blue envelopes. To Gift Aid your donation, enter your details on the envelope. You can deliver your donation to our Treasurer at 58 Chalfont Road.

November: Royal British Legion
To find out more or to make a donation please visit The Royal British Legion Armed Forces Charity. To donate in church, use the blue envelopes. To Gift Aid your donation, enter your details on the envelope. You can deliver your donation to
our treasurer at 58 Chalfont Road.

December: Housing Justice and the Disasters Emergemcy Committee (DEC). Housing Justice is a small but highly influential ecumenical charity which mobilises churches and other faith and community groupsseeking to address homelessness and housing need wherever it occurs. The DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities, including Christian Aid and Tearfund, to raise funds quickly and efficiently at times if crisis overseas. For more information go to Housing Justice - Housing Justice and


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